Formoper Infographics/ Taiwan

Infographic Graphic Design Company Nutritional Foods Forprop Inc. (Taiwan)
In the design of posters and food promotion stories, a product-related photo must naturally be used, so that the audience has a relative background for each product. But there are links in this connection. When we want an infographic or information poster. The design of information posters is important for quick information, in the shortest possible time we can explain our story. Now the subject of presenting and recognizing the products of the country of Iran to foreign language audiences was first used from Iran map, and then the products related to the city were categorized and then the photographs of products were placed within the map of each city. For further guidance on the right of the infomation, the products and their Latin name were presented with the manufacturer's name.


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2Bi Business Company

Saffron Blister Formoper 


No 73 - Neshat Street - AbrishamTown - City of Quds
021-46894922 - 02146891081